misc:software:Emacs:mode:howm:応用:org-agenda のようなもの

misc:software:Emacs:mode:howm:応用:org-agenda のようなもの

org-agenda のようなもの

(require 'cl)

(setf *my-howm:howm-menu-reminder-cached* "")

(defadvice howm-menu-reminder (after my-howm:howm-menu-reminder activate)
  (let ((ret ad-return-value))
    (setq *my-howm:howm-menu-reminder-cached* ret)

(setq my-howm:howm-agenda-time-grid
        ,(loop for time from 800 to 2000 by 200 collect time)
        ;; => (800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000)
        ,(format "%-15s%s%s"
                 (format-time-string "%A" (current-time))
                 (format-time-string "20%y-%m-%d" (current-time))
                 " [今日]")

(defun my-howm:insert-colon (string)
  ;; "1234"
  ;; => "12:34"
  (replace-regexp-in-string "\\(..\\)$" ":\\1" string))

(defun my-howm:remove-colon (string)
  ;; "12:34"
  ;; => "1234"
  (apply #'concat (split-string string ":")))

(defun my-howm:extract-note (string)
  ;; (my-howm:extract-note "> 土  0 | [2014-01-18 23:16]@ test2 foo bar")
  ;; => "[2014-01-18 23:16]@ test2"
  (replace-regexp-in-string "^\\(.+\\][^\s]+? \\)\\(.*\\'\\)" "\\2" string))

(defun my-howm:insert-space-after-the-day-of-the-week (string)
  ;; => 月-12
  ;; => 月 -12
  (replace-regexp-in-string "\\([日月火水木金土]\\)\\(-.*\\'\\)" "\\1 \\2" string))

(defun my-howm:insert-dummy-after-yyyy-mm-dd (string)
  ;; [2014-01-28]
  ;; => [2014-01-28 -999]
  (replace-regexp-in-string "\\(\\[[-[:digit:]]+\\)\\(\\].*\\'\\)" "\\1 -999\\2" string))

(defun my-howm:insert-dummy-for-splitting (string)
  (my-howm:insert-dummy-after-yyyy-mm-dd (my-howm:insert-space-after-the-day-of-the-week string)))

(defun my-howm:howm-symbol->string (string)
  (lexical-let ((symbol (substring string 0 1)))
    (cdr (assoc symbol 
                '(("@" . "schedule:")
                  ("+" . "todo:")
                  ("!" . "deadline:")
                  ("-" . "normal:")
                  ("~" . "defer:"))))))

(defun my-howm:lines->list-of-today-items (lines)
  (loop for item in (mapcar #'my-howm:string->day-time-symbol-number-note (split-string lines "\n"))
        when item
        collect (apply #'my-howm:status-time-note item)))

(defun my-howm:string->day-time-symbol-number-note (line)
  (lexical-let ((item (split-string (my-howm:insert-dummy-for-splitting line) "[][ ]")))
    (when (cddr item)
      (destructuring-bind (_a _b diff _d yyyy-mm-dd time symbol-and-number . _)
          (remove-if #'(lambda (string) (string= "" string)) item)
        (list :day yyyy-mm-dd
              :diff (string-to-number diff)
              :time (string-to-number (my-howm:remove-colon time))
              :status (my-howm:howm-symbol->string (substring symbol-and-number 0 1))
              :number (string-to-number (substring symbol-and-number 1 (length symbol-and-number)))
              :note (my-howm:extract-note line))))))

(defun* my-howm:status-time-note (&key day diff time status number note)
   ((< diff 0) nil)
   ((= diff 0)
    (list :status status :time time :note note))
   ((and (or (string= status "schedule:")
             (string= status "deadline:"))
         (<= diff number))
    (list :status status :time time :note note))
   (t nil)))

(defun* my-howm:item->string (&key status time note)
          (insert (format "%12s " status))
          (insert (format "%5s......" (if (< time 0) ;時刻が指定されていない場合
                                          " "
                                        (my-howm:insert-colon (format "%04d" time)))))
          (insert " ")
          (lexical-let ((p (point)))
            (insert note)
            ;; note 部分の properties を取り出す
            (lexical-let ((prop (text-properties-at (- (point) 1)))
                          ;; それぞれの属性に応じて face を適用する
                          ;; 何も属性が無いならば done の face を適用する
                          (face (concat "howm-reminder-" (if (string= " " status) "done" (substring status 0 -1)) "-face")))
              ;; ファイルへのリンクを行全体に設定する
              (set-text-properties (point-at-bol) (point-at-eol) prop)
              ;; 行頭から note 挿入位置までの間に font-lock-face を設定する
              (add-text-properties (point-at-bol) p `(font-lock-face ,face))


(defun flatten (l)
  (cond ((null l) nil)
        ((atom l) (list l))
        (t (mapcan #'flatten l))))

(defun my-howm:sort-by-time (list)
  (cl-stable-sort list #'<
                  :key #'(lambda (x)
                           (destructuring-bind (&key status time note)

(defun my-howm:flatten-filter-sort (list fn)
   (remove-if fn
              (loop for x in list
                    collect (if (atom x) x (flatten x)))
(defun my-howm:sorted-list-of-today-items (lines)
   (my-howm:lines->list-of-today-items lines)

(defun my-howm:make-lines-for-howm-menu-today (howm-agenda-time-grid items)
  ;; 日曜日         2014-01-19 [今日]
  ;;              08:00...... ------------------
  ;;              10:00...... ------------------
  ;;    schedule: 11:30...... lunch
  ;;              12:00...... ------------------

          (destructuring-bind (&key separator periods header)

            (insert header)
            ;; fixed and optional periods
            (loop for fixed-period in periods
                  ;; optional period
                  (loop for item in items
                        do (destructuring-bind (&key status time note)
                             (when (< time fixed-period)
                               (insert (apply #'my-howm:item->string item))
                               (pop items))))

                  ;; fixed period
                  (lexical-let ((status " ")
                                (time fixed-period)
                                (note separator))
                    (insert (my-howm:item->string :status status :time time :note note)))

                  ;; remainder
                  finally do (loop for item in items
                                   do (insert (apply #'my-howm:item->string item)))

(defun my-howm:howm-menu-today-string ()
   (my-howm:sorted-list-of-today-items *my-howm:howm-menu-reminder-cached*)))

(setq howm-menu-allow (append '(my-howm:howm-menu-today-string) howm-menu-allow))

(defun yyyy-mm-dd->day-value (yyyy-mm-dd)
  (destructuring-bind (y m d)
      (mapcar #'string-to-number (split-string yyyy-mm-dd "-"))
    (car (encode-time 0 0 0 d m y))))

(defun diff-days (from to)
  (- (yyyy-mm-dd->day-value to)
     (yyyy-mm-dd->day-value from)))

Last modified : 2014/07/09 23:56:57 JST